Monday, November 1, 2010

It's tomorrow!

That's right baby boy will be joining us tomorrow!!  I am so excited!  We have prepped Kayla with all the different things that are going to happen.  She is going to have her first sleep over at Baba's house tomorrow night.  She is pretty excited about that.  She knows that tomorrow mommy is going to the doctor's and the doctor is going to help the baby come out.  I'm so happy she accepts this explanation right now.  We just entered the why phase and she could be asking more questions.  She also knows that mommy and the baby have to stay at the hospital for a little bit to make sure they are healthy and strong.  We haven't promised her when she will see her brother because we don't know.  So next time I post it will be of our expanded family!!
I'm so excited to finally meet this guy!

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